St Botolph’s Church, Trunch


Services are held in St Botolph’s on the second Sunday of the month and across the benefice on other Sundays.  For our service pattern, click here.

Regular concerts are held in St Botolph’s, you can see the programme on Our programme of cinema screenings and NT Live performances are available on All proceeds go towards the maintenance & renovation of our beautiful church.

A series of activities are planned during 2024 and our next one is an exhibition of photos of butterflies & dragonflies, along with cream teas on the 1st & 2nd June from 1-4pm. Please do try and join us!

See some pictures from the recent screening of Barbie &  Harvest Festival lunch at St Botolph’s!


If you’d like to support our church by making a donation today you can do this via the following link


Read the guidebook to St Botolph’s Church, Trunch.