Weekly Message from Rev Joanna

Dear church family

This Sunday is Remembrance Sunday, and over this weekend we partner with the Royal British Legion for two services in addition to our usual Sunday services, so please do join us, as we remember with gratitude those who have gone before us, those who gave their lives or who live with lifechanging injuries, giving thanks to God for their lives:

10.45am SATURDAY 11th November, – RBL Armistice Day Service, Mundesley church;

8.00 am Holy Communion (BCP), Mundesley church;

10am Holy Communion with Act of Remembrance, Trunch church;

10.45am RBL Remembrance Service, Gimingham church;

11am Café church, Mundesley community rooms;

Going forward our Sunday services are:

19th November – 10am Holy Communion, Knapton church; 11am Café church, Mundesleycommunity rooms; 3pm Taize service, Paston church

26th November – 8am Holy Communion (BCP), Mundesley church; 10am Holy Communion, Pastonchurch; 10am Morning Worship, Trunch church; 11am Café church, Mundesley community rooms

3rd December – 10am Holy Communion, Mundesley church; 11am Café church, Mundesleycommunity rooms

10th December – 8.00am Holy Communion (BCP), Mundesley church; 10am Holy Communion, Trunch church; 11.00am Café Church Mundesley Community Rooms

17th December – 10.00am Holy communion with Carols, Paston church; 3pm Carols at Gimingham church, 6.30pm Carols at Knapton church; 6.30pm Carols at Mundesley church

24th December (Christmas Eve) – 10am Holy Communion, Knapton church; 4.30pm Christingle, Gimingham church; 4.30pm Crib Service, Trunch church; 11.30pm Midnight Holy Communion, Mundesley church

25th December (Christmas Day) – 10am Holy Communion, Trunch church

31st December – 10am Holy communion, Mundesley church

We also have two carol services not on Sundays!  Wednesday, 13th December, 2pm at Bradfield church, and Saturday 16th December, 11am Carols in the churchyard followed by soup, Trunch church.

Do put these dates in your diary and join us as we celebrate the birth of our saviour, Jesus Christ.

And, as always, do join us for our 10am Wednesday Holy Communion service at Mundesley, or just come in to any of our churches for prayer and reflection.

As we give thanks for all that God has provided, please consider your giving – of time, talents and money.  The Parish Giving Scheme is an easy, tax efficient way of financial giving which enables us to plan our mission and ministry as well as maintain our buildings.  Further information from our church wardens, or pick up a leaflet in any of our churches.  We also now have contactless giving devices in Mundesley and Trunch for those who prefer to be cashless!

I’m away for the next three weeks, so please find attached 2 service sheets for 12th and 19th November, and watch out for the following weeks coming to you from a guest editor…..!

If you need to contact anyone before my return on 5th December, please contact your local churchwarden:

Knapton – Allison Jackson – allisonjackson0756@hotmail.com or 01263 720826

Mundesley – Bob White – bobwhite@live.co.uk or 01263 721694

Paston – Philip Burton – philipburton1@btinternet.com or 01263 722981

Trunch – Rosie Spencer – rosies.pencer1@btinternet.com or 01263 721668

If you need to contact a priest, please email/phone the Rev’d Canon John Carr – carr.ide@btinternet.com or 01263 720788 or the Rural Dean, the Rev’d Richard Lawry – revrichardlawry@gmail.com or 0263 740686 until 27/11/23 and from 28/11/23, the Rev’d Will Warren – william.warren@cromer-church.org.uk or 01263 511474.

2023 11 12 Notice Sheet 2023 11 19 Notice Sheet

With every blessing


Rev Joanna Haywood
Curate, The Trunch Group

01692 406091

My usual rest day is Monday
